During the month of April, thousands of advocates, elected officials, mental health providers, private child care agencies and volunteers came together across America to wear blue, plant blue pinwheels, release blue balloons and a myriad of other visual activities in observance of National Child Abuse Prevention Month.
To say child abuse/neglect is a problem in our nation and in our communities is a gross understatement. In fact, across the Commonwealth of KY it is increasing! Issues surrounding poverty, addiction, familial dysfunctions and mental health all contribute to the rise of abuse and neglect among the most vulnerable of society...our children.
Organizations like Buckhorn Children & Family Services have done an incredible service to the communities and States in which they serve by raising awareness and creating a sense of urgency for advocacy through their various outreach initiatives. Organizations like the Moyer Foundation(c) strive to break the cycle of violence, abuse and neglect and strengthen families through partnerships with local agencies like ours and the public school system. Buckhorn Children & Family Services is happy to come alongside other private child-care agencies, advocacy centers, the Moyer Foundation and the KY Department for Community-Based Services to treat those affected and eradicate this ill that haunts so many children in our midst.
For over 114 years, Buckhorn has been in the business of protecting children and helping families and we pray that the Lord will continue to bless us as we live out our mission. Times are tough financially but our children are worth the fight. The children and youth that come our way are more survivors than they are victims. They have survived the worst of the worst and have fought the "Goliaths of the dark" and somehow found their way to us.
When I see our children, I see beauty, talent, gifts, skills, potential and future hope. I am proud of our children and their tenacity and resiliency. If they can survive and get to us then we must provide them with all we have and our best practices in healing and providing hope.
What do we offer? We offer residential services to provide a therapeutic environment to children and teens that deal with highly aggressive behaviors, substance abuse, self-harming/mutilation, sexual reactivity and post-traumatic stress disorder, we also offer services in therapeutic foster care/adoption and in-home family preservation and reunification. Our latest achievement will be to implement Camp Mariposa(c) in Wolfe County to help children, ages 9-12, break the cycle of family addiction in June 2016.
As National Child Abuse Prevention Month draws to an end and one-by-one we take up the pinwheels planted in honor
the abused children in our care/community, we at Buckhorn Children & Family Services remain committed to do all the good we can by providing a sanctuary of health, healing and hope.
Enjoy the artwork created by two of our residents!