While serving in Birmingham, AL, each year I looked forward to an annual fishing retreat along the Magnolia River in Baldwin County, AL in search of the elusive spotted trout. The trips were not only fun but every year I got plenty of “fodder” to share with my readers. Today, I have been thinking about those days and my friends. These remembrances brought a smile to my face so I decided to resurrect one of the Magnolia Series I wrote several years ago. Hope you enjoy!
This year’s annual trip to Magnolia River presented a scheduling obstacle as Uncle Jack has now been placed on dialysis, but with a medical facility in the area he has been able to work around our fishing time. Yes, it’s a guys’ trip to fish, laugh, eat and enjoy the fellowship of each other and no “church” talk! The Magnolia Gang met in Leeds, AL to begin the caravan south. Lawley, Lutz, Bebe, Jack and me all loaded up, ready for the journey and laughter to begin.
The first story unfolded before my eyes as we left Bebe’s drive. He and Uncle Jack were in their truck with the boat in tow; they were followed by Lawley, Lutz and Creech in another truck with my boat in tow. No sooner than pulling out of the driveway, the boat trailer disconnected from the truck pulling out of the driveway and went speeding down the street without any guidance or direction. Boat on the loose! Thank goodness Bebe’s truck speed hadn’t climbed to anything other than a crawl. After several hundred yards of uncontrollable traveling, the boat stopped. No damage done, it only stopped the neighborhood traffic and gave everyone a good laugh.
Bebe had hitched the trailer to the truck but didn’t lock it down and check it, hence the loose connection allowed the boat to escape and loose it’s guided direction. I wish I had taken a photo of the look on his face, one of embarrassment and yet laughter. It was priceless!
The Lesson: We must stay connected to the source of life in order to experience abundant living and guided direction. Spiritually, we must stay connected with God on a regular basis. That means checking our connection with Him often to make sure it is secure and tight. Taking our relationship with Him for granted can lead us to become unhitched and run loose. Without direction from the One who makes the abundant journey possible, traveling just becomes a meaningless end unto itself.
Physically, mentally and emotionally we must stay connected with family, friends and coworkers. Staying connected with family keeps our eyes, hearts and minds from wandering away from the very people that should be our priority. Staying connected with friends and coworkers gives us stability, outlets for activities and fellowship with those outside our immediate family and assists us in becoming “whole persons.”
Check your connections—with God, family, friends and coworkers today. Do whatever it takes to “Keep it Hitched!”