Thursday, November 17, 2011

Choosing Good Leaders

In the November 2011 edition of LeadershipNow, Michael McKinney presents seven attributes of successful candidates for leadership. The research suggests that without all seven, candidates will not succeed.

The opening line of this article really got my attention. It says, "We complain about our leaders. So we get rid of them and we move on to the next one with the hope that it will be different this time." It reminded me of two other statements: "hope is not a strategy" and "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over with the expectation of a different outcome."

The Seven Essential Attributes for Picking Good Leaders:
  1. Integrity: Integrity is the fundamental leadership attribute. Integrity is the fundamental attribute that keeps everything else secure. Integrity allows you to assume important characteristics about how things work. As a result it fosters trust which leads to high productivity.
  2. Empathy:  Defined as a fundamental ability to tune in to others, it is critical for leadership for many reasons. Combined with integrity, it drives trust. It gives followers a sense that their interests are being looked after, and this creates positive energy. Followers who sense that a leader appreciates them are motivated to carry out their duties in a more committed way.
  3. Emotional Intelligence: This is self-mastery or the ability to perceive, control, and improve the connection between what we feel and the way we act. It's about self-awareness.
  4. Vision: A frequently abused term, vision starts with imagination and an inquisitive mind. Visionary leaders are good storytellers who are capable of weaving together interesting connections. Vision provides direction.
  5. Judgment: Good judgment is good decision making. This sounds simple enough, but the origins of how and why people make the decisions they do are actually quite complex. It's the ability to zero in on what's important, see the whole chessboard, and take decisive action.
  6. Courage: There is always conflict. Leadership means being on the front line of those conflicts. It means facing conflicts, mediating and shaping them. Sometimes at the risk of great personal cost or freedom.
  7. Passion: A leader's passion or drive is important because it creates positive energy. They attract followers and act as catalysts for the formation of highly motivated teams. High energy and enthusiasm are signs of passion and must be focused on the organization as a whole. It's mission, vision and values.
These seven attributes are the basic building blocks of a leader and other aspects of leadership flow from them. As members of a faith family, we can learn much from such research and commentary. Perhaps if we begin to mandate our church and denominational "Search Committees" to rely less on "good 'ole buddy", "she deserves it", "payback",  and other dysfunctional systems of leader selection, perhaps the Holy Spirit will fill the leadership pool with women and men who will take our communities of faith to newer and greater heights.

For more insight and to read the article at length, go to